Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery for Medical Students and Doctors
To be listed as an author, it is imperative that individuals meet at least one of the following criteria by contributing substantially to conception, acquisition and interpretation of statistical methods and data; drafting and/or revision the article, and having the authority to accept and forward the finalised manuscript. All authors must therefore have been involved in the synthesis of the manuscript and not solely in patient care. Individuals who have been involved in the care of the patients can be mentioned in the acknowledgements. All the details of relevant authors must be provided on the title page, which includes their name, title, place of work, address and the nature of their contribution towards the submitted manuscript.
Declaration of Competing Interests
A competing interest exists when professional judgement concerning a primary interest (such as patients' welfare or the validity of research) may be influenced by a secondary interest (such as financial gain or personal rivalry). It may arise if the authors have received financial support. We will not reject cases simply because you have a competing interest, but we will make a declaration on whether you have competing interests. For all manuscripts please provide a statement describing any relevant interests of all authors on submission.
e.g. "No competing interests to declare"
Copyright and Peer Review
Most submissions are reviewed by two or more referees. For all articles, reviewers pay particular attention to clarity and brevity. The corresponding author will then receive an email from the editor informing them that their manuscript is accepted, rejected or requires revision. Once accepted, manuscripts are published in chronological order of acceptance, and the corresponding author will receive page proofs when publication is imminent.
The Journal of Undergraduate Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery will retain copyright of all published material and reserves the right to re-use any such material in any print and/or electronic format.
1. Title page
title of case report
author title and affiliations (e.g. year of study and name of medical school) with one author identified as the corresponding author. maximum number of authors is four.
2. Abstract
Up to 250 words, with subheadings: introduction, case presentation and conclusion.
3. Introduction
Why you think this case is important?
4. Case Presentation
Presenting features, medical/social/family history
5. Investigations
6. Differential Diagnosis
7. Outcome & Follow-up
8. Discussion
Include a very brief review of similar published cases and review of current literature
9. Learning Points
3 brief bullet points
10. References
Vancouver style
Electives and Careers